prana • nadis • bandhas • chakras
100hrs Retreat & Teacher Training
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Pranayama + The Subtle Body Retreat
100 hours
September 29th - 3rd October 2023
Vicki Shields
Purprise Pranayama Retreats
Crimsworth Valley
Hebden Bridge
This is no ordinary retreat if you're seeking an awakening or a transformation that will help you lead a more grounded, heart-centred life, true to your most authentic self - read on. if you are yoga teacher it is also your opportunity to enrich your teachings.
Life can be messy and often our minds can feel pulled in so many directions, conflicted and triggered by things that throw us off balance.
This five-day retreat takes place in the wild, windswept moors of the Yorkshire countryside, the ideal setting to discover the mysteries of the body and mind.
This is a your opportunity to turn your attention inwards, connect with Nature and channel the Life force energy, to balance all systems of your body.
" I now make an annual Pilgrimage to Hebden to immerse myself in the awe inspiring surroundings of the retreat space that really allows me to drop deeply into
the experience." Sarah King
Your body will be nourished with the most incredible, high vibe food from the Mindful Kitchen, and you get to stay at Acre Head Farm with the most stunning views of the sun rise and sun sets every day. The woods, and waterfalls are a few minutes walk, the ideal setting for meditations to enhance that vital energy within.
Prana is a mysterious energy. It's the immeasurable source of life itself and yoga is an invitation to channel this powerful yet subtle energy. When directed inwards, it can lead us to the true greatness of our being and take us beyond the limited conditioned self.
Every morning we'll begin with contemplation, followed by an embodied and somatic approach to Yoga postures to turn your attention inwards & the subtle movement of energy within Then, we’ll take a deep dive into the ancient wisdom of Prana, Nadis, Bandhas and the Chakras. We'll also explore the vibration of sound and Mantra alongside daily Pranayama, to expand your own knowledge and give you the tools to guide others to do the same.
This Training is certified with a Trainer-Pro status with
Yoga Alliance Professionals
What to expect from the retreat:
You'll cultivate a feeling of peaceful spaciousness to help you make decisions from a heart-centred place.
You'll improve your ability to discern your own emotions from others, empowering you to stay true to your own needs and boundaries.
You'll learn how to still the mind and create a shift in the autonomic nervous system.
You'll learn to recognise and potentially work through your physical and emotional holding patterns formed over many years.
You'll balance the energetic body, by opening your sense fields to become more aware of channels that flow through the body.
You'll develop the art of listening to the breath, and over time, prepare to awaken subtle energy at the core of the body called Kundalini.
You'll strengthen your understanding of our interconnected world and allow this to shine forth.
You'll elevate your own sense of compassion by gaining a conscious understanding of the sacred, infinite body of pure awareness.
Who will be teaching you?
It's so rare for Western Yogis to be connected to a living tradition because many of the great Yogic Masters have passed. However, Vicki Shields is taught directly by Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwari who's one of the few remaining Pranayama & Hatha Yoga masters of India.
Read Vicki Shields profile here
Read more about our teaching our lineage here
What does this course include?
1. Breath regulation
2. How to move with your breath in Yoga Postures
3. Posture and sitting for Pranayama
4. Pranayama history
5. Preparatory practices for Pranayama
6. Nadi Shodhana ( nerve cleansing ), the Breath and Kapalabhati and retaining the breath
7. The interplay of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide
8. Pranayama methods
9. The subtle body in relation to:
The 8 limbs of Patanjali Yoga
Hatha Yoga -The process of Sun and Moon
Kundalini, What is it how do we access it?
10. Obstacles to growth in dedicated (yoga) practice
11. How the breath works in terms of anatomy and physiology
12. How to grow your practice
13. Personal practice that is custom built for your dosha with Pulse readings

Sound Healing
Sounds baths are a powerful healing tool for healing and relaxation, helping to clear away trapped emotion and blocked energy.

Connect with Nature
We are surrounding by the sights, sounds and vibrations of Nature in this stunning setting.
Creating Mandalas help us to celebrate our own creative nature

Food to Nourish
Mindful kitchen will nourish you with the most delicious wholesome and high vibrational food to optimise your health and energy during your stay.
The Details
Crimsworth Valley, Hebden Bridge.
Arrival: 4pm Friday
Depart: 2pm Tuesday
Total: 4 nights - 5 days
6 spaces available
Retreat Schedule
Upon arrival on Friday evening, there'll be a magical Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with James Dearden Bush.
Morning 8:00am – 11.30am
Kriyas Pranayama, contemplation, Pranava Japa into silence and Guided Asana.
Lunch 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Afternoon 2.3pm - 5.30pm
Further Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Bij Mantra. Chants to silent/sitting Yoga Asana with a focus on embodied meditation and energy centre chakra work.
Daily Lectures cover Pranayama, philosophy, scientific information, healing circles with sound and affirmation. Then, our evenings will be a mixture of video, meditation Tratak and private time.
If you're yearning to learn more about yourself, this retreat aims to help you unlock the richness of your inner being and help you discover the power to transform your behaviour with sincerity and devotion.
If you're a beginner to Pranayama, we advise that you take our weekend workshops, Breath of Life. These workshops are held every three months in Manchester and can be attended in person or on Zoom. For more information,
click here.Breath of Life.
Prices of ‘Pranayama and the Subtle Body’ Retreat
The 5 day retreat is £750 - £790 depending on room choice
and carries a 60hrs YAP certification
To take your 60 hour certification up to 100hrs combine with the Breath of Life weekends 40hours Pranayama , discounts for evolve graduates.
Please email info@evolveyogatraining.com for further details.
A non-refundable £200 deposit is required to secure your place

Vicki is such an authentic teacher that walks her talk and shows up to teach with passion and excitement.
I now make an annual Pilgrimage to Hebden to immerse myself in the awe inspiring surroundings of the retreat space that really allows me to drop deeply into the experience.
I have been motivated and inspired by Vicki's teaching & feel the benefits on so many levels of connecting with a daily Yoga & Pranayama Practice, having all my needs met on retreat meant I can really embody & comprehend this practice.
The food was the best food I have ever eaten!! Being with a group of wonderful people curious and devoted to exploring this aspect of Yoga has been the highlight of the last few years.
– Sarah King, 100hours Pranayama Graduate