Guided by Experts
Our Pranayama Teachings are unique as they originate from a living tradition form the Kaivalydhama Institute in India.
These Teachings have been directly passed on to our Director, Vicki Shields from Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwari one the few remaining Masters of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga in the world today. Tiwariji has given his personal blessing and Certified Vicki to pass on this knowledge and wisdom.
Vicki endeavours to pass on the wisdom gathered from over 24 years of dedicated practice & study. This began with the Ashtanga Vinyasa method with her teacher Paul Dallaghan which later evolved through immersion into Pranayama & Meditation with Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwariji from the Kaivalyadhama in India. Through annual trips to India and Thailand she learned directly from this living tradition, techniques passed down from Swami Kuvalayananda. She is one of only a handful of western students to be a direct student practicing advanced Pranayama techniques under his direct guidance.
Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center, founded by Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924, is a spiritual, therapeutic, and research centre with a specific aim to coordinate ancient yogic arts and tradition with modern science;

Pranayama & Breathwork Courses
Change your breath, change your mind.
Combine 3 weekends of The Breath of Life to gain 40 hrs CPD Yoga Alliance Training. Discover how to easily shift the body from a stressed to a more relaxed mode by one of the uk's leading experts.
Pranayama & The Subtle Body
60 + 100 HOURS

Begin with a 5 day retreat to discover & experience the mysterious energy we call Prana. Yoga is an invitation to channel the immeasurable source of life itself. This powerful yet subtle energy that, when directed inwards can lead us towards the potential and true greatness of our being , beyond the limited conditioned self.

Vicki's passion for teaching Pranayama is very inspiring, her knowledge & understanding is staggering & her ability to show you what she feels, so you can in turn feel what she feels is empowering."
– Jamie Davies
Studying managing the breath & Pranayama has not only changed my approach to yoga asana, but also become a
valuable tool for stress management in my everyday life.
Vicki’s wealth of knowledge and nurturing approach to teaching, creates a safe and encouraging environment in which to explore the subtleties of our body. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in anxiety/stress management and also yoga practitioners interested in moving their practice to a deeper level.
– Kerri McKenna 2019