Course Syllabus
Development of a personal Yoga practice, taught by leading experts in Asana and Pranayama and embodied meditation, so you experience Whole Body Balance.
• In-depth Yoga Asana training from it’s Hatha origins to the sequencing of Vinyasa including elements of the Ashtanga Vinyasa method.
• How to teach anatomically informed
sequences appropriate for absolute beginners, including relevant joint opening and strength building.
• Restorative Asana practice and teaching from both classical old-style Hatha Yoga and modern restorative forms that include flowing yin styles.
• Our method is to slow down traditional yoga sequences and explore them somatically allowing you to turn
inwards rather than focusing on just the external form.
• Working intelligently with movement to create healthy neuromuscular patterning. Encouraging everyone to use
the breath to move more intelligently inside this vehicle of life force energy.
• We love to break down postures to their tiniest elements helping to overcome the mental obstacles, along with
functional anatomy of movement.
Understanding where our balance lies and how to find it.
• When we modify, we slow down, so our attention gets focused on breathing consciously and opening up more space.
This can bring an even greater awareness
to how joints and muscles work together in harmony particularly, spirals and counter spirals.

Our Course includes:

How to open the breath and teach others to understand breath regulation and how simple techniques on regulating and training the breath can switch the activity of the nervous system and calm the mind
Cleansing Kriyas – traditional Hatha yoga methods as a preparation for the subtler aspects of practice (Pranayama) and to rejuvenate internal organs, open the body and improve the breath
Detailed classical Pranayama practice, taught by teachers who have been taught directly by Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwari, and how this leads on to meditation
Yoga philosophy and psychology – in-depth guidance on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and other classic texts including the Gita and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and how we apply them to our everyday lives so we can live together harmoniously
Anatomy and physiology as it applies to each asana and movement pattern
From the gross to the subtle energetic body – learning how to shift the activity of the nervous system so we experience the more subtle realms through the breath, bandhas, mudras, mantras and our relationship to the vibrational Uni-Verse
What it takes to apply Yoga off the mat. Teaching and living with integrity.
The breath is key to reducing stress and opening the body from inside this is why it has been an integral part of Yoga & Meditation for thousands of years. We are fortunate in this school to be connected to living
tradition from India. ( click live link for teaching lineage )
Correcting faulty breathing habits is key to optimising health and regulating stress and therefore negative mental patterns. Throughout the course you will explore how to breathe more efficiently so all functions of the body are optimised. Healthy breathing is also key to developing a better relationship with your body in all yoga postures to allow you to drop into a deep sense of presence and connection.
We will explore in detail techniques that switch the activity of the nervous system and calm the mind. Including all classic techniques such as - cleansing Kriyas and exercises that address the build up of tension to prepare the system for the subtler aspects of practice such as Pranayama & Meditation. These ancient practices also also rejuvenate internal organs, open the body, and improve the breath. You will be taught in
detail Classical Pranayama practice – directly from the
teachings of a Living Yogic Master Sri OP Tiwari.
The Anatomy weekends are based on the principles that govern all human movement and therefore they are not confined to any rigid or dogmatic system, they are in fact generic to all of life. These can then be applied to the fundamentals of any asana as the principles are
Our intention is that you build an intuitive and intelligent perspective, growing in confidence with the knowledge from your own practice first, and then having the ability to share with others. We teach students to enjoy their movement to ‘feel it’ rather than just ‘do it’. When we feel it, we can fix it if we need to, and at the very least enjoy the process of moving inside this vehicle of life force energy, rather than fixing a shape with some expectation of what it needs to look like.
Philosophy literally means “The love for wisdom.” We take pride in the way in which we apply yogic philosophy to our everyday experiences, using both lecture & group discussion to form enquiry and to shift perspective. The objective is to take yoga off the mat into our relationships with others, to become more conscious of our thoughts and behaviours.
We look in great depths at the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, these 8 steps which give us all the guidance to live together harmoniously. Referencing
Referencing other major texts such as, The Gita, & Hatha Pradipika.
Daily Schedule

Every morning will start with contemplation, pranayama and daily Asana, to help you develop your own practice. Afternoons will be lectures themed around living a Yogic lifestyle.
The full schedule will be presented to you at the meet-and-greet on your first day of training.
Saturdays: 10.30am - 5.30pm
Sundays: 9.30am - 4.30pm

Learn how managing the breath is an important foundation of any practice. Pranayama can be a tool for health and also in mastering the mind. It is the correct and effective breathing that aids Yoga Asana, reduces stress and much more.

Most Yoga journeys begin with Asana. Explore in detail alignment, breath and development of inner focus. We cover the traditional Hatha yoga postures and how they have progressed into Vinyasa styles including the more linear approaches such as the Ashtanga Vinyasa method.

Study philosophy from the ancient texts and consider how we can apply it to our everyday lives so we can of live together harmoniously. Learn how they help us develop methods of self inquiry and awareness.
On successful completion of 200 hours you will be equipped to:
Teach a dynamic, Vinyasa style Asana class.
Teach a gentle, restorative style Asana class
Understand how to direct and sequence your own classes
Continue with your own personalised Asana, Pranayama and seated practice
Have greater context for and understanding of Yoga in its entirety, beyond the physical approach to Asana
Self-enquire and observe your own mind
Share basic knowledge of Pregnancy and Yoga
Teach the basics of Ayurveda.
You will have a whole year to allow this knowledge and experience to be fully integrated and your confidence to build

Apply for our 200hrs TTC
For more information on our course eligibility or to download an application form please follow the link below.